The importance of embracing your child’s uniqueness My greatest contribution to the wellness of humanity is having produced a psychologist: my son. It was one of the greatest contributions to my personal wellness too. As every mother might confirm, having children is a game-changer in women’s life. To me, it meant that I had done […]
October 6, 2023
Some writing non-tips and the novelists’ legacy Once again, the best writing tip is… ‘follow no tips’! When I was a young and enthusiastic girl in high school, all of my teachers suggested that, in order to write the perfect essay, I had to follow a scheme. The scheme was a cascade of points, that should guide […]
October 2, 2023
The intriguing parallels between royal sibling relationships and everyday family dynamics When I picked up Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, this summer, I had a revelation: if we aren’t the firstborn in our family, we are all spare children in some ways. This isn’t a complaint, but rather an observation that sparked my curiosity. I hesitated to […]
September 19, 2023
What if Artificial Intelligence becomes more empathetic than humans? I know what you are thinking: “Wow! Another boring article about A.I. Let me skip to the next one” But credit me just a few moments, as I am neither a geek nor a nerd, and I am going to write more about psychology, than technology. […]
September 12, 2023
Artists and artisans are both going towards During my last trip to Vancouver, I had the chance to visit an Art Gallery. I love to admire the local art, everywhere I go, as I think it is one of the most incisive ways to have an immediate look at locals’ background and vision. Art masterpieces, […]
August 29, 2023
GLI SCHIERAMENTI E L’INTERPRETAZIONE DEI SONDAGGI I social, si sa, sono interessanti finestre aperte sull’opinione pubblica. Ci sono i pubblicatori compulsivi, con diversi post al giorno, che ripostano qualsiasi informazione, notizia o opinione che corrisponda al loro pensiero, o alla loro indignazione. Ci sono i parsimoniosi, che postano solo quando ci tengono a condividere qualcosa. […]
February 22, 2023
Perchè da una statistica è nata una discussione senza fine Come molti ricorderanno, nell’antica Roma i militari e i funzionari pubblici erano pagati con una quantità di sale, che poi venne sostituita con un importo monetario che ne conservò il nome. La parola salario, divenne l’indennità per comprarsi il sale, e poi fu adottata per […]
August 13, 2022
Guardiamo tutti dalla stessa prospettiva? Ai bombardamenti in Ucraina sono preceduti (e poi seguiti) quelli mediatici, con l’immediata polarizzazione sui due fronti: “Putin ha le sue ragioni” e “Gli Ucraini sono martirizzati da un folle”. A corollario delle due fazioni si è aggiunta la pletora delle “colpe dell’Occidente”, visto come: la Nato, l’Europa, gli USA, […]
March 19, 2022